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Unconditional Love in Life and According to the Vedas: Learning to See God’s Presence

Unconditional love is a love that doesn’t require anything in return and knows no boundaries. According to the Vedic scriptures, true unconditional love is defined as “finding happiness in the happiness of another” — where our joy comes from the awareness that another person, being, or soul is in a state of happiness. But what does it really mean to love unconditionally? And why is it so challenging to embody this in everyday life?

Unconditional Love

At Dream Hill, we can see how easy it is to deceive ourselves, thinking that our actions are manifestations of love, while they might still remain selective and conditional.

Example 1: Love for Animals – Where Are the Limits?

Many of us feel deep compassion for stray animals. We feel moved by the plight of street cats and dogs, try to support them, become angry at those who treat them cruelly, and even become vegetarians to avoid harming animals. However, as soon as we see a rat or cockroach, we immediately feel disgusted and want to eliminate these creatures.

This selective approach to “good” and “bad” animals highlights the conditional nature of our love. If we aim to love animals unconditionally, why do we choose only those we like? Unconditional love means seeing the soul in all living beings and accepting them, regardless of their appearance or notions of cleanliness. If our attachment to animals is actually conditional, then it is only an illusion of unconditional love.

Example 2: The Neighbor’s Music and Projecting Unconditional Love

Recently, our center experienced several days of loud music from nearby neighbors celebrating the birth of a son. For us, this was an important moment — an opportunity to show understanding, respect their traditions, and offer our guests a chance to see the situation from a different perspective. We encouraged them to use this moment for self-reflection, turning to acceptance and inner peace. Unfortunately, not everyone appreciated our approach, and some guests saw it as a lack of care.

This situation mirrors our relationship with God — the one who loves us unconditionally. When we face difficulties, we tend to blame God for abandoning us and not helping us. We feel alone and forsaken. But do we see His care in these challenges? Perhaps, this is how God helps us grow, to see the true causes of our unease and dissatisfaction.

A Divine Projection of Relationships

Our relationships in this material world are projections of our relationship with God. In this dual reality, we see separation: the spiritual is everything connected to God, while the material is what is separate from Him. The true spiritual path is not only yoga, meditation, or esoteric practices. While these are important tools, their purpose is to cleanse our hearts, freeing us from the influence of material nature's modes. But the real spiritual journey is the ability to see God’s presence in everything that happens around us and to feel His unconditional love.

Realizing unconditional love requires us to cultivate inner maturity and the ability to see beyond the ordinary. Love is not divided into those we choose to love and those we reject. It doesn’t depend on whether the situation is convenient or pleasant for us. Unconditional love is the full acceptance of everything life brings us as part of the Divine plan.

This is how we can not only understand and accept what happens around us but also experience true unity and love that transcends conditions and expectations.

To support you on your journey to cultivating unconditional love, we’ve created a selection of guided practices available for download. These exercises are designed to help you deepen your understanding, release judgment, and embrace a more open-hearted approach to relationships, both with yourself and others. From meditative reflections to journaling prompts, each practice encourages self-awareness and mindfulness, helping you move closer to the experience of true, unconditional love. Embrace these tools as gentle companions on your path to greater compassion and inner peace.

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