Normally people expert and successful in a certain thing worked very hard but are in pain. The earthly and spiritual must be in balance. Otherwise they will never be happy. - Yogi Bhajan
Where do I feel lack?
Do I have plenty of food, water, and financial stability?
Are there helpful people in my life?
Take time to uncover how and why you feel like you don’t have enough or that there isn’t plenty for you and those around you. Be as specifc as possible. Once you’ve identifed the lack, incorporate self-awareness practices that will help you see how you can improve the situation. You will receive motivation to take action to change your reality – or your perception of reality.
Start regular practice Meditation to Create Prosperity.
"This mantra is to fix the mental to prosperity or power. It will produce money, it will come. Opportunities will come. Richness will come..."
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose. The hands are grasped tightly in front of the heart center in Bear Grip - the fingers of each hand interlocked, the left hand faces forward, the right hand faces the chest. The forearms are parallel to the ground.
Eyes: Eyes are one-tenth open and focused the tip of the nose
Mental focus: The entire mantra is repeated on a single breath. The tone is a relaxed monotone that varies in emphasis automatically as you proceed through the stages of the mantra.
Time: 11 to 31 minutes.
Mantra: The mantra contains the eight facets of God (Universe) that we all have to deal with:
HAR HAR HAR HAR GOBINDAY one who sustains us
HAR HAR HAR HAR MUKHANDAY one who liberates us
HAR HAR HAR HAR UDAARAY one who uplifts us
HAR HAR HAR HAR HAREEANG one who does everything
HAR HAR HAR HAR KAREEANG by whose grace everything is done
HAR HAR HAR HAR NIRNAMAY nameless and desireless.
HAR HAR HAR HAR AKAAMAY encompasses all
Download to audio clip here.
"Har" is the 'shakti yog' power mantra. Har is the original God. The repetitions of Har give power to all aspects, and provide the power to break down the barriers and the past.
It is important to balance energies of Abundance and Prosperity also on different chakra levels. If you want to know more about chakra meditations for prosperity, sign up for ONLINE retreat "10 STEPS TO ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY".
Metaphorical Cards
Metaphoric associative cards extract from the subconscious thoughts and feelings of a person, the real motives of his actions and the causes of problems. You will meet your unconscious, dives into yourself. After identification of the problem, you will create an intention for the healing, by establishing the desired situation and the steps you have to make in order to achieve the particular results.
Today you are going to try a sample session to discover a SECRET OF ABUNDANCE.
First read a question, to which the picture is related: your subconsciousnes will be activated.
Then look at the card and describe what you can see at the picture.
It is always better to write down your thoughts to fix on the paper the particular parttens that will come out from your subconsciousness.
Then try to understand how your description reflects the answer to your question.
What is blocking well-being?
What Resources Will Help Attract Abundance?
Whom is important for me to be in order to attract Abundance in life?
What to change in my behavior?
If you see a card with negative content in response to a request for a solution, then it is this aspect that prevents the implementation of the desired. It is important to work it out and / or stop doing it.
If you see a card with positive content in response to a request to find the cause of problems, this means that the absence of this particular aspect is not enough to realize what you want and it is important to bring this into your life.
It is important to analyze the maps and write down insights and conclusions.
When you do this kind of exercises by yourself, you can experience different obsticles to understand how the card helps you find out the answer. The facilitator can help you go deeper and find old blockages and solutions how to change the situation. Book ONLINE personal session.
Art Therapy
The technique of art therapy is based on the belief that the contents of the inner Self of a person are reflected in visual images whenever he draws, paints a picture or sculpts a sculpture, during which the state of the psyche is harmonized. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, the main mechanism of art therapy is sublimation. There are so many ways to use Art Therapy... Find your favorit one and enjoy creation of your own reality. Here is something that you can do right now!
Coloring Mandala "MONEY WELL"
This mandala helps a person intuitively feel "money wells", sources of money. A painted mandala should be carried with you in your wallet or hung in the house above your desktop, above your computer, in your office. When you come up with ideas for earning money or business offers come in, before saying your decision, look at the mandala for 5-10 minutes. Put an imaginary work or a new business in its center and look, feel in which direction the spiral will twist. Ideally, the spiral with the work placed in the center should spin in both directions, which means that the work will be monetary and profitable. If it spins only in one direction, most likely, there will be "pitfalls" in the work that will bring you disappointment.
The mandala harmonizes the space, evens out the general emotional background in the room, inspires a person to actively create with a good result, attracts profitable projects, good financial prospects, useful acquaintances, and connections into its aura. Mandala is also good for health. It activates the immune system.
Incorporate the specific colors into your life by wearing clothes or using them in other ways to stay focused on being conscious and aware that you are working with the particular vibrations of ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY.
Supportive Angels
Archangels are messenger angels of high rank. They have specific qualities that they usewhile helping with your current life challenge or request for assistance. Archangels are able to help you upon request. You must ask for their guidance. Be as specific as possible as they are around you to assist you here on Earth. They are available to help you when petitioned for a specific purpose in alignment with the Divine plan.
Call supportive Archangels to assist you in establishing your goals. Regularly write petitions to them to create healing vibrations in the particular actions.
Oh, Angel of Abundance and Prosperity! I am calling on you today to help me with my needs. Please support me in surrounding myself with good friends and family members. I ask that you assist me with my basic requirements of food, shelter, and water but also with my greater need, including business, finances, and downtime. I want to laugh often and live fully, so please help me to know how. Guide me to see and sense the way to achieve abundance and prosperity in all areas of my life. Thank you!
In the ONLINE retreat "10 STEPS TO ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY" you will discover which Archangels you can call on and in which fields they can support you in order to reach Abundance and Prosperity.
Enjoy the flow of prosperity and abundance. Project gratitude. Support yourself by regular meditations, essential oils usage, and affirmations. Help others to change their lives!