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Kriya for legs
duration 23:38
Simple and short sequence will help you to open your hips and improve energy movement in your legs, that you need for being able to sit longer in easy posture when you meditate.
For the girls! The first exercise on this video is the best way to avoide celulite and to make your legs more slim!
Anti-anxiety meditation
duration 10:41
Yogi Bhajan has given this meditation as an antidote for anxiety. And this is one of meditations that you can use for healing a spine, because during any period of recovery there are always a lot of unknown factors. When will the pain stop? When will I be able to return to work or begin training again? It is normal to be anxious and a little impatient with the process of healing. This meditation will help calm and balance you. This meditation is beneficial for all three regions of the back.
Insomnia curriculum
curriculum + 3 Videos
Have you ever had insomnia? Have you ever had to take sleeping pills? Do you sometimes wake up in the morning feeling as if you have been run over by a ten-ton truck? Do you think you need more sleep?
The purpose of sleep is to allow the body and the mind to rest, recuperate, regenerate – and do some self-healing. You should wake up rested, refreshed, and alert, ready to face the day.
This curriculum contains a lot of recommendations before go to sleep, series of exercises that are perfect before go to bed with a video guidance how to do them, description of breath meditation for good sleep, video workshop how to make foot massage, morning stretch routine, and kriya with video guidance to work on insomnia.
If sleep is a constant problem for you, practice this kriya regularly for 90 days. It can be done before bed at night or in the morning. We waste billions of dollars on sleeping aids and stimulants when a much safer and more stable approach exists in exercise and meditation. Unfortunately, the exercises take effort; a pill doesn't. If you choose to put the effort into this kriya, it will eliminate sleep disturbances and give you alertness throughout the day.
Forgiveness meditation
duration 20:15
The power of forgiveness transcends time and space and allows us to move forward with ease and confidence. As we forgive ourselves, forgive others and receive forgiveness, our hearts open to the light and love within. This Kundalini Yoga forgiveness meditation gives us the opportunity to focus on one or more people who we believe have done harm to us or we have harmed. Its always important to remember that everything is happening perfectly, in perfect timing for us and all the souls we are connected to for our collective spiritual development.
A short and sweet kriya to get the energy moving
duration 36:45
This is a simple set of exercises. It only takes 22 minutes and makes the back feel great and gets the energy moving. It is a good series to do after you wake up in the morning or before bed at night. It is also a good series to do before a longer meditation or meditative kriya.
Healthy Happy Holy Breath
duration 18:08
The power of your breath enhances the depth of the effect of this affirmation. Slowing down the normal breath rate is significant. When the breath rate is slower than four breaths per minute, it puts you into a meditative state, as the brain starts functioning intensely. The pineal and pituitary glands shift their relationship to each other and in this condition, the effects of inner and outer sound are greater: whatever you chant or repeat in this moment will penetrate deeper into your subconscious. As a result, a larger portion of yourself will be able to synchronize with your intentions and carry them out.
Alternate nostril Breathing
duration 8:37
This particular technique is very simple, yet very effective. It is extremely helpful when we feel off-center and we still must function in the everyday world. For instance, we may be scheduled for an important interview, or business endeavor and find ourselves extremely nervous or irritable. This technique can help us calm ourselves and be effective in our communication.
Apana kriya
duration 31:58
This is a good example of a simple but powerful series that was kept secret by those few yogis who learned it. This will allow you to completely master your digestive system and give a youthful appearance to your skin. Aging does not start just with years; it begins with nutritional deficiency, intestinal problems, untended emotional and physical stress and an inflexible spine that disrupts the flow of meridians as well as the rejuvenating flow of your spinal fluid.
KY for 2nd chakra: kidneys and adrenal glands
duration 1:08:14
Do we have the strength left to reach the goal, despite the blizzard? Our energy can flow freely, we can eat well, sleep enough, but if our adrenal glands are not working, it will be difficult to hold on. We get tired and irritable. It is important to have a balanced endocrine system, and especially strong adrenals and kidneys, in order to gain that extra stamina and the ability to control anger and
hypoglycemia. Weakness of the adrenal glands and kidneys leads to dysfunctions of the heart.
KY to treat addictions and compulsive behavior
duration 30:18
This class in based on 3 meditations that you can practice separately as well:
Ganesha Meditation
This is a great exercise to do “when you want to change the page” on the way your day is going and start things over.
Gan Puttee Kriya
Gan Puttee Kriya will redeem all the negativity of the past and present. It will take away all negative karma of your past, smooth out your day to day problems and create a positive tomorrow.
Medical meditation for habituation This meditation is one of a class meditations that will become well-known to the future medical society. Meditation will be used to alleviate all kinds of mental and physical afflictions, but it may be as many as 500 years before the new medical science will understand the effects of this kind of meditation well enough to delineate all its parameters in measurable factors.
duration 1:22:17
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. KY meditation to maintain the body without eating: This meditation will build up your circumvent force and electromagnetic field. It allows you to draw in free energy (electrons, protons, neutrons) from the universe so that you can maintain your body without having to eat. 2. Kriya for Self-Reliance: Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected. This series provokes self-reliance and energizes several physical areas of the body. Exercise 1 sets the balance in the aura between north and south. It also puts a pressure on the liver to clean the body and increase courage. Exercises 2 and 3 open the Heart Center's energy of compassion and surrender to infinite wisdom. Exercise 4 works on the liver and Exercise 5 on the creative force. The last exercise is a meditation that can be extended to 31 minutes. When turning to the right, you are representing yourself as a unit identity of Truth. When turning to the left, your reliance is focused on the Infinite Wisdom. Reliance on Whaa-hay Guroo brings self-reliance as a unit in Sat Naam. 3. Meditation to manifest money: “Life is nothing but Alertness. You can only be Alert if you are wise & disciplined.” –Yogi Bhajan. This meditation is a sign of prosperity. It is a money manifestation scheme.
duration 1:16:56
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Kundalini Yoga for the Lungs and Bloodstream This exercise is an excellent way to build stamina, to make the blood suck up the oxygen from the lungs, and to help the heart muscles regulate and reorganize themselves. It will pressurize the kidneys, gonads and adrenals. It is necessary to be able to hold a full inhale for 1 minute in order to supply optimum oxygen to the bloodstream. When less than the required oxygen is available in the blood, the brain, organs and glands are unable to function properly and the systems break down causing ill ness. When this exercise is done for 11 minutes a day or a maximum of 22 minutes, it will totall purify the bloodstream.
2. Exercise Set For Circulation This exercise set works with blood circulation and nervous system, stimulates the flow of blood through capillaries, strengthens the navel point and joints. 3. Cleanse the Bloodstream (with the Ad Such Mantra) This is a Jupiter meditation which can cleanse the bloodstream and relieve fatigue and tension if you breathe deeply and powerfully. It is this conscious breath that can bring you great relief.
How much you love
duration 1:05:50
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Meditation for Healing of the Broken Heart This meditation is very soothing once you understand it. The autonomic nervous system will relax, breathing will automatically take on a meditative pace, which will renew and relax the heart and mind. To heal heart wounds, it is necessary to calm the nerves that are associated with them. We know that a break in relationship (with others or with the self) is almost identical to the nervous system and brain with a physical injury or loss of a limb. This mudra creates balance, creates a subtle pressure that regulates the heart meridian along the little finger and outer forearm, activating the “motor nerve” connection to the autonomic nervous system for self-resetting, keeping the forearms parallel to the ground, engaging axillary reflexes; and finally, she uses the pranic influence of the middle finger and the qualities of Saturn and air to remove the effects of the emotional storm. Practice for 11, 31 or 62 minutes. 2. How much You Love Kriya Love confronts. Love has no fear. Love is the ultimate power. It knows no defeat. It doesn’t know impossible. It’s a strength, it’s not a weakness. There’s a tremendous amount of pain in love. That’s realism. But do the lovers feel it? No. There’s a joy. In history, you will find people in love of God tortured in many ways. They smiled. They laughed. Where came their strength? It was their love. I like to let you know how much you love. Let’s measure it by a straight balance of frequency. You will know it. 3. Mandhavani Kriya: Mantra to Clear Blocks The practice of this meditation, even briefly, locates you in your heart, opens your perception, and lets you immediately recognize the way forward. Mandhavani means being in the presence of intelligence, beauty, and profound caring. It is a state of joy. It’s when you’re so happy that you feel the hand and grace of God accompany each breath and effort. In that state all victory is yours and there is no victory to win but to conquer your own heart.
Thyroid, Neck, Throat
duration 56:13
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1.Thyroid Kriya 2. Neck & Thyroid 3. ONG Meditation For Power, Beauty, and Youth “Ong” is the sound of Infinity as it is heard through the conch when we put in the breath of life. The sound of the conch is only an expanded “Ong”. When a disciplined yogi practices this at the center of the nose, his brain gets a powerful vibration, and the nectar starts running. You may start to cough, practicing this, a signal that the thyroid is having trouble taking the pressure of the chant. The thyroid gland keeps you young and beautiful. This sound gives a person 3 things: power, beauty and youth.
Shoulders' tension release
duration 01:10:18
Kriya + Meditation for Rejuvenation. Recommended to practice for 40 days.
You are the Universe: If you are not beautiful and graceful, there is nothing beautiful or graceful. This is a truth for you are the Universe and the Universe is you.
Working mainly on the glandular system, this simple and powerful meditation produces strong health and excellent regenerative capabilities. Do it simply be yourself, and experience for yourself the virtue of
the breth of life.
Heal your back right now
duration 43:28
Kundalini Yoga is very good for the back, and especially effective for congenital curvatures of the spine. Kundalini Yoga practiciners spend a lot of time working with the flexibility of the spine. During the practice you will move the whole back in many different ways that you normally don’t do in your life. We use static stretching, range of motion movements and also move energy through the spine. It is also good to combine exercises with meditation techniques that clear and clarify the mind and emotions. As a result you will get a healthy and pain free back as well as the means to keep it that way!
The real solution to the physical part of most back problems lies in working with three specific areas of the body. To maintain a healthy lower back you must stretch the life nerve (hamstrings and sciatic nerve), build the strength of the third center--which is an energy center--through abdominal strengthening and move the back in a variety of ways.
To see Infinity inside you
duration 01:19:32
These exercises balance the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility. In these meditations the mind is focused into the channel of the heart. We are preparing to have sovereignty over the service of the Universal force. This requires Universal Consciousness. There are two ways of developing Universal Consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra is the easier way. The difficulty is that mantra opens the Heart Center and the mind has difficulty following the heart’s frequency. In these meditations the mind is focused into the channel of the heart. It is through the understanding that comes from the heart that the mind can realize the concept that Infinity is within us.
Healing meditation
duration 19:01
The mantra that is used for this meditation is unique, and it captures the radiant healing energy of the Cosmos as a gem captures the light of the sun. Like a gem, it can be put into many settings for different purposes and occasions. If you master this meditation you will be rewarded with healing and awareness.
Kirtan Kriya
duration 20:25
Practicing this meditation is both a science and an art. It is an art in the way it molds consciousness and in the refinement of sensation and insight it produces. It is a science in the tested certainty of the results each technique produces. Meditations have coded actions to their reactions in the psyche. Through this constant practice, the mind awakens to the infinite capacity of the soul for sacrifice, service, and creation.
Kriya Circumvent Force
duration 40:02
The Circumvent Force, the entire force which is the aura around us, the God Light that protects us, is the eighth living center or the current around us. Those people, who have a Circumvent Force that is very strong, do not have any risk of negative forces enter into their body-field, in other words, in their aura. They remain happy, healthy, and holy. Such people not only build up their entire magnetic field, electric charge, life force, and Circumvent Force, but they become a unit who can liberate others.
Exercise set for maintaining a flexible spine
duration 56:03
This series of exercises works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the energy centers receive a burst of energy. These exercises increase the circulation of the spinal fluid, which contributes to greater mental clarity. Regular practice of this series will give you increased vitality, help prevent backaches, reduce tension, and keep you young by increasing the flexibility of the spine. Take 30 seconds or more to relax between exercises and be with the energy as you experience it in your body. The energy will automatically adjust and go to where it is needed. Your job is to be present, and not consciously try to make something happen. If you do the exercises, something is already happening. Allow yourself time to discover that is taking place. Keep the eyes closed throughout this and other exercises so that you can feel your body move rhythmically, without visual distractions. This set can be done in the morning as a way to give you added energy for the day. It can also be done in the evening before dinner to revitalize you after a busy day and give you energy for the evening.
KY for 2nd chakra: excretory system
duration 29:17
This exercise to improve the functioning of the excretory system is good for the kidneys and bladder. This is an intermediate and very effective kriya. Make sure you follow the directions carefully.
The first, second and third chakras associated with the rectum, sex organs and navel point arethoroughly exercised in this kriya. It gives flexibility of the spine and improves the power of digestionand elimination of waste and toxins.
Last exercise has tremendous benefits for women during menopause and prepares them for this stageof life. Exercise helps keep your ovaries, kidneys, and liver healthy.
KY for 2nd chakra: pelvic balance
duration 52:03
This class is designed for women, and is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well:
Exercise For The Reproductive System And The Menstrual Cycle: This kriya is good for the ovaries, regular menstrual cycle and relieves gas (in women)
Kriya for Pelvic Balance: This is one of the best kriyas for pelvic balance, that can help to solve a lot of women's problems with a moon cycle.
These exercises strengthens the lower back, facilitates the flow of energy through the spine and aids in metabolism; help to channel sexual energy and maintain potency.
Meditation to balance the moon centers: This meditation will balance the moon centers and will help you to go through natural transitions withstrength that creates stability. Kirtan Kriya (on the abdomen) is the most recommended meditationfor women. It helps them to break their bad habits and create balance during emotional withdraws.This meditation has the power to repair a woman’s arc line holes due to past relationships with men.This is done by eliminating the mental and physical association with these men. This variation willbalance the effects of the moon centers in a woman. It also illuminates a woman’s aura and presence.
Healing the stomach
duration 34:00
This class in based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Vatskar Dhouti Kriya: Kriya solves all digestive problems, including chronic excess acidity. Many other diseases, such as the common cold, flu, start with an upset digestive and excretory system. Kriya enhances overall health. 2. Healing The Stomach Kriya works on cleansing stomach meridians, bringing equilibrium to your digestive system. 3. Rejuvenating meditation to make you sattvic (pure): This posture is one of the best ways to adjust your navel point. Through this exercise, you can change the gray matter in your brain, entire nervous system, and spinal column. If you want to experience reincarnation into nirvana, do this meditation for 11 minutes. It will make you sattvic with all.
Habituation Curriculum
Everyone has bad habits that they wish they could break, but when you're stuck in that vicious cycle yourself, it can seem impossible to get out of it. A few Kundalini Yoga Meditations for bad habits might just help you break yours once and for all, but really, it's the defining principles of yoga itself that can teach you how to find a lifestyle and a set of habits that work for you, and how to release the ones that aren't serving you.
duration 1:05:02
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Re-vitalizing of the Heart Area Correctly practicing this kriya can benefit those people who have any kind of tension or heart problems or who have very poor circulation. It is good for those who are depressed also, but it must be accurately done. You must use the strength of the navel point, it must go in deep when you exhale. 2. Exercise Set For The Heart Chakra All the exercises in this complex work with the heart muscle and the heart center. They are aimed at the strength of energy reserves. Yogi Bhajan said that you can increase the time of each exercise up to 7 minutes to complete this complex. This exercise time will bring you into a calm state of mind. You'll want to sleep, so allow yourself some extra rest when you do this full-time routine. 3. Open Lotus Heart Meditation Many feelings will pass through you as your Heart Center strengthens and old wounds begin to melt into the sound current. Once hardened parts of your heart and old defenses will begin to drop away. Trust yourself. Immerse yourself in the presence of the open heart. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected to all people, everything and everyone in the Universe. It is in this connectedness that we realize our uniqueness. Be real and be present as you chant and dwell in the sound current.
Open The Heart Center
duration 1:01:59
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1.Balancing Mind and Heart Into Infintity This meditation balances the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility. Humanity is now going through a global transition into the Aquarian Age. We are preparing to have kingship over the service of the Universal force. This requires Universal Consciousness. There are two ways of developing Universal Consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra is the easier way, but the difficulty is that mantra opens the Heart Center and the mind has difficulty following the heart’s frequency. But it is through the understanding that comes from the heart that the mind can realize the concept that Infinity is within us. 2. Kriya to Open The Heart Center This is an intermediate level set to create open loving feelings. It opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly. 3. Heart Seal Meditation In this meditation, seal the sense of your Self al the Heart Center. Sit still and consolidate your Self. Welcome the unknown infinity of your being and synchronize with every action, thought and cell. Meditate and become aware of all sensations. Become aware that you are aware; aware that you are present and observing; aware that all that flows through you is not you; aware that you are created and creating in this moment; aware that each moment records your thoughts, acts and feelings as a ripple in infinity and for eternity. Before this vastness, become humble, joyous, contained, content and conscious. Rest in simplicity; practice alertness with a full heart, and bless all. Bless your Self; bless your friends and enemies; bless all that is known to you; bless all that is unknown. Be clear, crystal clear.
Building the Nervous System
duration 1:00:31
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Kundalini Yoga Pranayama For the Parasympathetic Nervous System Through this meditation we can check our parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible to keep us through the odds of our life. Through it, the nervous system is balanced. This is a good kriya for ladies. 2. Kundalini Yoga for Building the Nervous System This kriya works on the brain, lymph nodes end removes calcium deposits from the shoulder area, and puts the body into proper alignment. 3. KY meditation for strong nerves Practice this meditation to gain a calm mind and strong nerves It will help protect you from irrationality.
Basic spinal energy series
duration 47:36
Age is measured by the flexibility of the spine: to stay young, stay flexible. This series works systematically from the base of the spine to the top. All 26 vertebrae receive stimulation and all the chakras receive a burst of energy. This makes it a good series to do before meditation. Many people report greater mental clarity after regular practice of this kriya. A contributing factor is the increased circulation of the spinal fluid, which is crucially linked to having a good memory.
Sat Kriya
duration 08:55
This is the queen of all Kundalini Yoga kriyas (a kriya is a concentrated form of yoga that has a very specific and powerful effect). It safely raises the Kundalini energy (Kundalini energy is the innate energy that resides within a person and is responsible for all creative and conscious growth in an individual). It balances the chakras (energy centers), rejuvenates the sexual system and helps the body and brain to recover from toxicity and memory loss due to drug abuse. It is good for removing energy imbalances in the three lower chakras and, as a result, is beneficial for problems in the lower back.
Finding my womanhood
duration 01:06:51
Cleansing, initiation, and manifistation! This class can help you to realize the power you have as a woman. If you can make your body physically standardaized and have the mental power to cover the standart of it, you can move anything. What is it that moves? Mind over body. It's a simple develpment. It's something you should not forget. If a female doesn't know how the mind can conquer and work on a body, she shall never be in the position to work on her own children. You must know how to move an object, and you must know how to convey the subject of the mammal called male. Yhese are the faculties and facilities given a female by God. But to do that, you need to understand Pursha in a neutral form. Men are not what you think they are. Men are not what their mothers thought they are, men are not what the envirinmants think they are. Man is a neutral identity. Whatever you as a woman reflect, that shall be.
The 4-4 Energizing Breath
duration 06:26
Do this at a break in the action of the game. It will relax and energize you, and help combat encroaching fatigue and excess emotionality. In games or sports it can rejuvenate coordination and spirit, and possibly avoid injury. This is a great quick pick up when you have only a few minutes. If you do it 2 or 3 times a day at strategic times (before meals, meetings, driving home, etc.) and when you begin to feel tired, you will notice a big difference in the way you feel. Do it between 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. to avoid the late afternoon pass-out-syndrome.
Surya Kriya
duration 38:51
This kriya is named after the energy of the sun – surya. When you have a lot of “sun energy” you do not get cold, you are energetic, expressive, extroverted and enthusiastic. It is the energy of purification. It holds the weight down. It aids digestion. It makes the mind clear, analytic and action-oriented. The exercises systematically stimulate the positive praanic force and the kundalini energy itself. This should occasionally be in your regular sadhana practice to build the strength of your body and your ability to focus on many tasks.
Long Ek Ong Kar
duration 12:41
This mantra is known as a magic mantra for the Aquarian Age. It has eight vibrations, and describes the glory of God. The best time for this meditation is before the rising of the Sun, when the channels are most clear. If the Mantra is sung in sweet harmony, you will be one with the Universe. This mantra will open the solar plexus, which in turn will charge the solar centers. The person will get connected with the Cosmic Energy, and thus will be liberated from the cycle of time and karma. This mantra is used as the cornerstone of morning sadhana, and is also called Long Ek Ong Kaar’s or just Long Chant. It has also been referred to as Morning Call. This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the relationship between the soul and the Universal Soul. It balances all of the chakras.
KY for 2nd chakra: liver
duration 1:11:51
The liver, spleen, pancreas are actively involved in blood circulation. With insufficient attention to these organs, toxins accumulate in them, which interferes with the complete cleansing of the blood.
Most of us do not get enough physical activity due to a sedentary lifestyle, despite the fact that the functioning of the internal organs of the body is directly related to the movement of the arms and legs. It is believed that for the normal functioning of all organs, we need to walk up to 5 kilometers a day. However, today the distances are either too great to walk, or we do not have enough time for this, or the ecology of the environment is simply not conducive to walking. The exercises below compensate for the lack of movement while cleansing and restoring liver function.
This kriya is also good for menopausal women to stabilize the body and minimize unpleasant
KY for 2nd chakra: bowel system
duration 1:11:59
This class in based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well:
5 Exercises to improve digestion Use this Kundalini yoga sequence to maintain ideal digestion and overall health by increasing energy at the navel point and keeping the digestive organs strong and flexible. The quality of our digestion is the key to health according to Ayurveda, as well as in yogic theory. If digestion is slow and unbalanced, the body becomes more vulnerable to disease (not to mention discomfort due to gas, bloating, constipation, and the like). Most colds and other illnesses can also be caused by an energy imbalance starting in the intestinal tract. Kundalini Yoga supports perfect digestion by increasing the fire energy at the navel point and evenly distributing it throughout the body.
Kundalini Yoga for a Healthy Bowel System These exercises work on the bowel system. Normally when one is becoming sick, the bowel movements serve as an indicator. It is suggested to do these exercises for 30 minutes a day for good health.
KY meditation for Inner Faculty This meditation will work on your inner faculty and your ego. You have five things in your body which show your ego: two legs, two hands and one tongue. No investigator can penetrate into you if you can control these five organs. No one can know who you are. Your metabolism will qo through a tremendous change in this meditation. This painful posture is like a bitter melon. The tremendous discomfort it creates is all in the head. It brings the combination of the five centers of the left and right brain into the neutral self.
The liver, colon and stomach
duration 56:25
This class in based on 2 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Kriya for gallbladder, heart, spleen: This kriya is used for gallbladder, heart and spleen problems. 2. Kundalini Yoga for the liver, colon and stomach: Kriya works on liver, colon and stomach, bringing equilibrium to your digestive system.
Physical and mental vitality
duration 1:06:48
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Ashtang Agni Kriya (The eight-fold spiritual fire kriya) The main emphasis in this kriya is to forcefully and rhythmically strike the seventh rib. The entire creativity of humanity is based on the 7th rib. Dance the upper body from the navel point upward, using a powerful movement in coordination with the breath. 2. Kriya for Physical and Mental Vitality This is a good kriya to do on Saturday, the day of Saturn the Task Master, or when you want to work very hard. The hardest part of the series is the beginning… If you attempt the full time prescribed, at first, you may have sore stomach muscles and weak legs. Do what you can, and do it gracefully, breathing consciously throughout. The sexual and digestive energies require a little work to balance. The hard work brings deep relaxation, and the feeling that you have the latent power to cleanse and revitalize yourself mentally and physically. Mental projection and meditation are automatic afterwards. 3. Chii-a Kriya: Surround Yourself with Protection “When there comes a moment in your life when nothing works, if all shelter and hope is gone, when the enemies overcome and friends have left, do this meditation. The sound current has an Infinite power. It is the only power that is given to the human to excel. Vaak Siddhi is the perfection of the sound projection. Guru Nanak explained it, ‘Through the mouth you utter a sound current, to which God listens with love.’ What you say is not a sound current. The sound current is that which you create with the organic matter of your body where you use your pranas and that has a projective power.” - Yogi Bhajan The Sensory Human vibrates the Cosmos, the harmonious systematic Universe. It is through sound that this cosmic vibration happens. The highest sounds are cosmic frequencies known as mantras or naad yoga. These sounds have a penetrating power. Chii-a means six in Gurmukhi. This meditation is an experience of the six unchangeable sounds: Har, Hare, Haree, Wahe Guru. They affect the six directions: east, west, north, south, up, and down. “The mantra Har, Hare, Haree, Wahe Guru has six sounds. Don’t take it only as a mantra—these six sounds are unchangeable sounds. What surrounds you is six: the four directions, up, and down. Meditate on these six in this way and they will cover you.” -Yogi Bhajan
duration 57:49
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Kriya to Increase Lungs Capacity Kriya directs energy to the lungs and heart; uses energy to expand the volume of the lungs; balances and distributes prana throughout the body. 2. New Lungs and Circulation The breath and its flow in the body determines your emotional base. You feel full of energy and in control when the lungs and circulation are in excellent shape. This set rebuilds the lungs and improves circulation throughout the body. It is a rhythmical and short kriya for intermediate students or for enthusiastic beginners who are in good condition. You can practice this kriya 22 minutes a day and rebuild your system. It will prepare your lungs for an excellent practice of Kundalini Yoga pranayama. 3. Kriya for Clarity of Thought and Expanding Lung Capacity This kriya expands and purifies the lungs. The greater the lung capacity, the greater the intake of oxygen, which cleans the blood, strengthens immunity, and allows for greater disease resistance. Clean, oxygenated blood helps the brain and organs work better. This kriya is best practiced on an empty stomach.
duration 46:30
This class is based on 3 kriyas that you can practice separately as well: 1. Beauty Series This beauty series is very effective to stimulate circulation in your head and face. 2. Cheranda – Samhita. Head Set This Head Set is for the brain, mind, intellect, concentration, will-power, memory, throat, eyesight, teeth, facial muscles, halitosis, pimples, & nervous strain. It is effective in curing states of mental and nervous strain, causing nutrition to flow to the brain tissues and glands. Stimulates the junction of nerves between the eyes and ears, and aids the muscles that move the eyeball, the iris, and the coordination of those muscles. Prevents blindness and cures all eye diseases. 3. Meditation for Reversal of Age
We are responsible for our health and energy. We must be radiant. And breath, Pawan, is the source of life. How much praana we get through this exercise depends on how much we consciously participate.
This is the best kriya to work with a tension in your arms, shoulders, and neck. It is very challenging in the beginning, but who said that life is easy. Do it for 40 days to release all your stress.
The “Meditation for Brosa” affects the element of trust in the human personality. Trust is the basis of faith and commitment and the sense of reality. It will give you the elevation of spirit so you can stand up to any challenge. It builds and balances the aura from the fourth chakra up.
This pranayama can benefit those people who have any kind of tension or heart problems or who have very poor circulation. It is good for those who are depressed also, but it must be accurately done.
The Five Tibetan Rites is a system of exercises reported to be more than 2,500 years old. Also known as "Fountain of Youth". The 5 Tibetan Rites are thought to increase mobility and flexibility and help the body stay nimble as we age.
If you feel your heart is closed and there is no flow of love, and you want to open your heart, do this meditation.
The ancients timed their breathing in relation to the beating of their hearts. The following kriya is a suggested as a good meditation for someone who wants to develop fundamental meditation skills because it develops the skill to be able to tune into the rhythm of our own heartbeat. It develops concentration in action and strengthens our ability to control our reaction to any situation.
When you are weighed down by the scars and disappointments of life, it is difficult to sense the broader reality of which you are a part. This pain creates blocks to the inflow of cosmic energy and you become less sensitive to your own possibilities. This set of exercises guides the prana through your body to the heart chakra, opening the heart so you can give and receive love without fear, anger, or resentment, and experience compassion.
This trance psychic technique will activate the connection between the hypothalamus, the nervous system and the salivary system, which is responsible for the cardiovascular system, for life. If the internal cardiovascular system is very good, then the connections in the social system will be very good too, and then your way of interacting with others will not create any pressure. You will be very relaxed.
Compulsive eating, irrational eating, and uncontrolled eating are self-depriving factors in the eastern hemisphere of the brain. Ninety days of practicing this breath technique for 31 minutes per day can take care of most chronic cases.
It makes the initial hemisphere of the left side of the brain to take command and project itself against the impulse that “I must go and eat”.
If the energy in the lower triangle of chakras is not balanced and allowed to transform to higher energy frequencies, man is totally a slave to his hunger, thirst, and sexuality. This set stimulates the energy of the lower triangle: rectum, sex organs, navel point, and transforms their energy into the higher brain structures: pituitary, pineal, memory gland.
In modern culture, the imbalance is pandemic. If we are not addicted to smoking, eating, drinking or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc. All these lead us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns. It is excellent for everyone but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.
Act, Don't React
You live by the breath and you die by the breath. If you meditate on your breath, then Pawan Guru, the knowledge of the Praanic Vidya, knowledge of creation and creativity and all the incarnations, will dawn on you. You will start winning yourself. If you start valuing your breath, valuing your environments, and valuing your projection, then one day you will be surprised that everyone, in turn, will value you.
Yoga Set for Emotional Balance
This set is also know as Kriya for emotional and mental balance and prevention of early menopause and originaly it was given for women in 1977. It is also can be practices by men but for women it gives more benefits, as prevent menopause and "woman's disease", which is characterized by insecurity and very emotional behavior.
Breath for Stress Relief & Clearing Emotions of the Past
This meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and with past family issues. It addresses phobias, fears, and neuroses. It can remove unsettling thoughts from the past that surface into the present. It can take difficult situations in the present and release them into the Hands of Infinity.
This kriya increases nerve energy in the entire body and stimulates the lymph system to clean itself. It eliminates negativity and purifies the psyche, thereby quelling the urge to slander others.
We detoxify continuously throughout life. We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more than we process. We become weighted down under the ash of metabolism and the remnants of old emotions. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized.
Meditation is your first habit. Every human should meditate to keep the mind clean. Meditation is nothing but cleansing the mind through a process. You will take a bath so that you may not stink, but if you don’t take a bath and you put on cologne, you will stink differently. Meditation is the cleansing of the mind so that mind can tell you who you are.
This pranayama will set your brain, if you do it correctly. You can start to cough during the practice, it means your thyroid adjusting to the pressure. The thyroid is responsible for beauty and for keeping you young. Chanting this sound correctly gives power, beauty, and youth.
This kriya is for healing the body and liberating the mind from old emotional blocks. In order to maximize the effect of this kriya, eat only light food, it is good to eat large amounts of melon throughout the day. Practice it only in the evening. Do it every day for 40 days.
When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, it's quick, it's purposeful, and it brings in what you need to bring in...
This meditation will tranquillize the mind within 3 minutes. The hand position is called “the mudra which pleases the mind.” Buddha gave it to his disciples for control of the mind.
This set focuses on developing the strength of the navel point. Together, these exercises get the abdominal area in shape quickly and activate the power of the Third Chaka.
If you practice this meditation every day for 11 minutes, you will be a different person. If the balance of the hands is correct, your brain will balance itself; if the breath is balanced, your consciousness will balance itself with the universe.
Caliber is the ability to maintain the projected status and activity of our committed self. When we become our own directive authority, then the psyche can fulfill the self and you can be happy. Normally we reject authority and initiate chaos out of an attempt to create individuality by difference rather than through integrity and wholeness.
This meditation enhances your capacity for caliber, to hold and execute self-authority.
Every disability is imagined. Every achievement is an experience. Develop your courage to overcome your imagined disability.
How many times a day do you meditate on yourself as a yogi? How many times in your whole life have you meditated upon yourself as an angel, that your being is absolutely pure, and that you are here by the Will of God and not by your own individual will?
Ego Eradicator opens the lungs, consolidates the magnetic field, and brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness.
It takes creativity and fearlessness to adventure into our heart’s deepest desires, and this Kundalini Yoga practice can help you find both.
To be prosperous, there are certain principles of life which have to be learned. To have the strength to live those principles, try this kriya...
This meditation brings the entire nervous system and glandular system into balance.
Do this exercise at lunchtime or any time you want to be sharper and have an edge over another person. It balances all the nervous energies and balances all the glandular system to tune them to maximum efficiency. It can raise efficiency to the point of life over death. No need to take “uppers” and “downers”, the breath of life can balance you any time you want.
This set of exercises was given as a basic set to work on Muladhara Chakra. It will bring balance into your first chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Muladhara Chakra. It will bring balance into your first chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
You have to develop the sensitivity of the brain that lets you know the truth: the Unknown to me. The same sensitivity that is totality and Infinity in every unique human being and can only be achieved through discipline. Discipline of the consciousness is the acknowledgement of the spirit. All human difficulties can be eliminated once you have a harmony between conscious mind and subconscious mind toward the supreme conscious mind… Harmony between conscious and subconscious is a gateway to Infinity and that is the spirit we are talking about.
This set of exercises was given as a basic set to work on Svadhisthana Chakra. It will bring balance into your second chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Svadhisthana Chakra. It will bring balance into your second chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Svadhisthana Chakra. It will bring balance into your second chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
We are responsible for our health and energy. We must be radiant. And breath, Pawan, is the source of life. How much praana we get through this exercise depends on how much we consciously participate.
This is the best kriya to work with a tension in your arms, shoulders, and neck. It is very challenging in the beginning, but who said that life is easy. Do it for 40 days to release all your stress.
The “Meditation for Brosa” affects the element of trust in the human personality. Trust is the basis of faith and commitment and the sense of reality. It will give you the elevation of spirit so you can stand up to any challenge. It builds and balances the aura from the fourth chakra up.
This pranayama can benefit those people who have any kind of tension or heart problems or who have very poor circulation. It is good for those who are depressed also, but it must be accurately done.
The Five Tibetan Rites is a system of exercises reported to be more than 2,500 years old. Also known as "Fountain of Youth". The 5 Tibetan Rites are thought to increase mobility and flexibility and help the body stay nimble as we age.
If you feel your heart is closed and there is no flow of love, and you want to open your heart, do this meditation.
The ancients timed their breathing in relation to the beating of their hearts. The following kriya is a suggested as a good meditation for someone who wants to develop fundamental meditation skills because it develops the skill to be able to tune into the rhythm of our own heartbeat. It develops concentration in action and strengthens our ability to control our reaction to any situation.
When you are weighed down by the scars and disappointments of life, it is difficult to sense the broader reality of which you are a part. This pain creates blocks to the inflow of cosmic energy and you become less sensitive to your own possibilities. This set of exercises guides the prana through your body to the heart chakra, opening the heart so you can give and receive love without fear, anger, or resentment, and experience compassion.
This trance psychic technique will activate the connection between the hypothalamus, the nervous system and the salivary system, which is responsible for the cardiovascular system, for life. If the internal cardiovascular system is very good, then the connections in the social system will be very good too, and then your way of interacting with others will not create any pressure. You will be very relaxed.
Compulsive eating, irrational eating, and uncontrolled eating are self-depriving factors in the eastern hemisphere of the brain. Ninety days of practicing this breath technique for 31 minutes per day can take care of most chronic cases.
It makes the initial hemisphere of the left side of the brain to take command and project itself against the impulse that “I must go and eat”.
If the energy in the lower triangle of chakras is not balanced and allowed to transform to higher energy frequencies, man is totally a slave to his hunger, thirst, and sexuality. This set stimulates the energy of the lower triangle: rectum, sex organs, navel point, and transforms their energy into the higher brain structures: pituitary, pineal, memory gland.
In modern culture, the imbalance is pandemic. If we are not addicted to smoking, eating, drinking or drugs, then we are addicted subconsciously to acceptance, advancement, rejection, emotional love, etc. All these lead us to insecure and neurotic behavior patterns. It is excellent for everyone but particularly effective for rehabilitation efforts in drug dependence, mental illness, and phobic conditions.
Act, Don't React
You live by the breath and you die by the breath. If you meditate on your breath, then Pawan Guru, the knowledge of the Praanic Vidya, knowledge of creation and creativity and all the incarnations, will dawn on you. You will start winning yourself. If you start valuing your breath, valuing your environments, and valuing your projection, then one day you will be surprised that everyone, in turn, will value you.
Yoga Set for Emotional Balance
This set is also know as Kriya for emotional and mental balance and prevention of early menopause and originaly it was given for women in 1977. It is also can be practices by men but for women it gives more benefits, as prevent menopause and "woman's disease", which is characterized by insecurity and very emotional behavior.
Breath for Stress Relief & Clearing Emotions of the Past
This meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and with past family issues. It addresses phobias, fears, and neuroses. It can remove unsettling thoughts from the past that surface into the present. It can take difficult situations in the present and release them into the Hands of Infinity.
This kriya increases nerve energy in the entire body and stimulates the lymph system to clean itself. It eliminates negativity and purifies the psyche, thereby quelling the urge to slander others.
We detoxify continuously throughout life. We process food, thoughts, and all forms of energy. When that flow is continuous and clear, we are steady and flexible. The trouble is that we accumulate more than we process. We become weighted down under the ash of metabolism and the remnants of old emotions. This set systematically moves the energy of the body and mind to keep you light and vitalized.
Meditation is your first habit. Every human should meditate to keep the mind clean. Meditation is nothing but cleansing the mind through a process. You will take a bath so that you may not stink, but if you don’t take a bath and you put on cologne, you will stink differently. Meditation is the cleansing of the mind so that mind can tell you who you are.
This pranayama will set your brain, if you do it correctly. You can start to cough during the practice, it means your thyroid adjusting to the pressure. The thyroid is responsible for beauty and for keeping you young. Chanting this sound correctly gives power, beauty, and youth.
This kriya is for healing the body and liberating the mind from old emotional blocks. In order to maximize the effect of this kriya, eat only light food, it is good to eat large amounts of melon throughout the day. Practice it only in the evening. Do it every day for 40 days.
When you chant this mantra with the breath of life, it's quick, it's purposeful, and it brings in what you need to bring in...
This meditation will tranquillize the mind within 3 minutes. The hand position is called “the mudra which pleases the mind.” Buddha gave it to his disciples for control of the mind.
This set focuses on developing the strength of the navel point. Together, these exercises get the abdominal area in shape quickly and activate the power of the Third Chaka.
If you practice this meditation every day for 11 minutes, you will be a different person. If the balance of the hands is correct, your brain will balance itself; if the breath is balanced, your consciousness will balance itself with the universe.
Caliber is the ability to maintain the projected status and activity of our committed self. When we become our own directive authority, then the psyche can fulfill the self and you can be happy. Normally we reject authority and initiate chaos out of an attempt to create individuality by difference rather than through integrity and wholeness.
This meditation enhances your capacity for caliber, to hold and execute self-authority.
Every disability is imagined. Every achievement is an experience. Develop your courage to overcome your imagined disability.
How many times a day do you meditate on yourself as a yogi? How many times in your whole life have you meditated upon yourself as an angel, that your being is absolutely pure, and that you are here by the Will of God and not by your own individual will?
Ego Eradicator opens the lungs, consolidates the magnetic field, and brings the brain hemispheres to a state of alertness.
It takes creativity and fearlessness to adventure into our heart’s deepest desires, and this Kundalini Yoga practice can help you find both.
To be prosperous, there are certain principles of life which have to be learned. To have the strength to live those principles, try this kriya...
This meditation brings the entire nervous system and glandular system into balance.
Do this exercise at lunchtime or any time you want to be sharper and have an edge over another person. It balances all the nervous energies and balances all the glandular system to tune them to maximum efficiency. It can raise efficiency to the point of life over death. No need to take “uppers” and “downers”, the breath of life can balance you any time you want.
This set of exercises was given as a basic set to work on Muladhara Chakra. It will bring balance into your first chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Muladhara Chakra. It will bring balance into your first chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
You have to develop the sensitivity of the brain that lets you know the truth: the Unknown to me. The same sensitivity that is totality and Infinity in every unique human being and can only be achieved through discipline. Discipline of the consciousness is the acknowledgement of the spirit. All human difficulties can be eliminated once you have a harmony between conscious mind and subconscious mind toward the supreme conscious mind… Harmony between conscious and subconscious is a gateway to Infinity and that is the spirit we are talking about.
This set of exercises was given as a basic set to work on Svadhisthana Chakra. It will bring balance into your second chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Svadhisthana Chakra. It will bring balance into your second chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This pranayama will give you absolutely powerful energy and will balance that most effective computer that we call the brain. It is the best remedy for “brain drain”.
In our modern life style, we seldom walk or exercise the body enough to promote good elimination through the bowels. The buildup of wastes in the digestive tract prevents good absorption of nutrients and provides a breeding ground for bacteria and illness. If the elimination is blocked in the main channels, your body will try to expel the toxins via the skin in pimples, rashes, boils, etc. This kriya works out the entire eliminative system. Then the sexual energy and breath energy are stimulated and circulated.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Manipura Chakra. It will bring balance into your third chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This exercise creates the opportunity for good health. It helps the gallbladder, spleen, liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It is very good for the entire glandular system. It cleans your respiratory system. It is a heavy exercise equivalent to playing a game of basketball. Try to open up the lung capacity. The lungs are the biggest organs in the body, but we don't fully use them. Many problems come from not using the lungs to capacity. The lungs keep the blood clean, and when the blood is clean the brain acts faster.
This set of exercises was given as a basic set to work on Anahata Chakra. It will bring balance into your fourth chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Anahata Chakra. It will bring balance into your fourth chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
Humor and empowerment are antidotes to isolation and dishonesty. Lion’s Breath cultivates both in abundance
This is a complete complex of Kundalini Yoga for the thyroid and parathyroid glands. It also helps for the thymus and the immune system. If you want to truly experience the energy advancement and beauty of Kundalini Yoga, do this kriya daily for 40 days.
You will understand the real meaning of what is being said. You will increase your sensitivity to truthful words. Your word will gain strength for you and for others.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Visshdha Chakra. It will bring balance into your fifth chakra and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This kriya is a gift to you. If you do this exercise for eleven minutes every day, you will develop such a powerful intuition that will clearly warn you of any danger or calamity. And that is not the best part. That is a gimmick. The best part is that you will have self-control when you are angry. This is a rare human quality. If a human can control his anger, he can rule the world.
This kriya has a lot of effects: activates the endocrine system, stimulates the ascending movement of energy in the vital nerve channel; stimulates the pituitary gland; increases blood flow to the head, which affects the higher endocrine glands (pituitary gland, pineal gland); neutralizes the influence of the lower chakras, what makes it possible to freely plunge into the layer of consciousness associated with the Adjna chakra.
Practice this meditation for 11 minutes a day between the hours of 4 am and 8 am local time and you shall control the entire glandular system for the next 24 hours and the chemistry of the blood will change for the better.
We have to learn to penetrate. We have to learn to consciously take our soul to Infinity. We have to practice those practice that create a blueprint and, when we build on that blueprint, we will become real. It is not a mystery. It is not a miracle. It is a reality. You are a temple of God. Simply you need to recharge yourself to face the obstacles and height of time and space. You have two challenges: time and space. You and your spirit are two dominant forces within you. And when the spirit is dominantly helping your mind and body, you are successful.
To reach the subtle realm of ether where we are by nature boundless, we must first set a firm foundation on earth. Practicing this kriya— which works primarily on the pelvic region—is a means of setting that foundation. Then the meditation launches you into the realms of Infinity. Physiologically the pelvis acts as a foundation, the point of balance for the torso and the lower foundation on earth. The female pelvis is especially delicate, because the bones aren't fused together, and are therefore easily misaligned. Chronic misalignment, tension and inflexibility will eventually show their effects on physical and emotional well being through sciatica and menstrual irregularities, and in men, such conditions as impotency.
This meditation was given as a basic meditation to work on Sahasrara Chakra and Aura. It will bring balance into your seventh and eighth chakras and will create a foundation for deeper work out with all the problems and blocks that you might have on this level.
This meditation exalts the intuition.
This short one-exercise kriya has a powerful and immediate effect on the brain and its electromagnetic field. The pressure in the hand position triggers reflexes in the fingertips to each area of the brain. The movement of the arms moves the lymph in the lymphatic system. It also pressurizes the nervous system to change its current state. The Breath of Fire added to the motion enhances functioning of the pituitary and stimulates the pineal gland to increase the radiance and subtle frequency of the brain’s projection.
This is a great kriya for keeping disease away and developing your aura. The time can be built up, that will create atremendous sweat. It will rid almost any digestive problem. It gives strength to the arms and it extends the power of protection and projection in the personality.
It is difficult to focus on your higher feelings and sensitivity if you feel fearful and unprotected. If the universe seems hostile, uncaring, and non-responsive it is easy to become filled with cynicism, despair, and hopelessness. In that depressed state it is impossible to sense the fullness and possibilities of life. It is very difficult to solve the very problems that upset you. Those feelings occur when the aura that surrounds the body is weak and small. The human aura can extend out to nine feet in all directions. If it drops below four feet, we tend to become depressed. We cannot fight off negative thoughts from within or from the environment. If we can extend the aura, the outer arc of the aura acts as a filter and a connector to the universal magnetic field. It is that outer circumvent field that preserves the integrity of the aura, the furiously active blend of thoughts and feelings that emanate from our body and mind. The aura can be temporarily expanded. One way is to connect your aura with the universal field by using an inner seed sound that activates the power of the Heart Center. The compassion of the universe uplifts and expands you. It provides a Divine Shield to accompany you through your trials and tribulations.
This meditation does exactly that. If you make it a regular practice, you will become positive, fearless, and happy. Nothing will stop you as you pursue your goals. It will eliminate the feeling of loneliness and separation from your soul.
Cultivating the earth element requires attention to the sensations in the body, to the feet and legs,and to the first chakra or base of the spine. Paying attention to the feeling of gravity and its pull onthe body toward the Earth is very useful. The goal is to experience a heaviness that becomes afeeling of stability and stillness.
Practice this kriya to cultivate your relationship with Mother Earth. At first, some of the exercises may indicate that you are ‘shaky on the ground.’ But with practice, you will strengthen your connection and experience the physical pleasure of being grounded with the Earth and very present in your body.
This challenging set adjusts the skull bones through the pelvic bone system, where the breath of life is triggered.
A perfect mantra for the Earth energy is the Isht Sodhana Mantra "Dhartee Hai, Akasha Hai, GuruRam Das Hai". It connects the Earth and the vastness of the ether and projects it from the heart. It isdone with visualization. It makes you present, calls on your highest spirit, keeps you humble andeffective on your new ventures, and attracts opportunities for prosperity.
A great way to increase your connection with the earth element is to practice grounding yoga poses.Here are eight poses to help you find a sense of stability and security, and improve your balance.
Yogi Bhajan says that it is good to do this meditation when one is worried or upset and doesn't knowwhat to do, or when one feels like screaming, yelling or misbehaving.
This exercise will produce quick release of stress, foster emotional balance and help create a quietspace within. It will help you switch channels, or tune into the channel of peace and silence – theneutral mind. Use it:
to access the cosmic channel,
distinguish between the "peace zone" and the rational mind or "conflict zone", and
to train yourself to choose the "peace zone."
This kriya stimulates the kidneys, balances the lower three chakras, strengthens the navel point, opensthe pelvic area, creates a flow of energy between the spine and first three chakras and creates arelationship between the navel center and the heart. As you perfect this kriya you will cultivate asense of stability because this set promotes a stable base in the lower triangle (lower three chakras.)
This meditation is taught to knit back together any tears within the fabric of your relationships.
It was given as a meditation for Water Element.
Learn to nourish yourself with these yoga poses that are aimed to balance the water element within you.
Kappalabhati breath. The ‘shining skull’ breath is a powerful way to boost the digestive fire, as well as helping stimulate the mind and body. This is an energising breath that can be used to help awaken and enliven the senses in the morning, removing sluggishness and firing the body up for the day.
This simple set can give beauty and lightness to your body.
This kriya’s powerful tapas will elevate, purify and empower you and your victory inexcellence.
"It is a powerful, absolutely secret meditation. It will take you as far as you take it." - Yogi Bhajan
To fire up your Manipura chakra, work with core-focussed asanas. Sun salutations, a dynamic, warming vinyasa flow practice, and active backbends can also help increase energy within the fire chakra.
Nadi Shodhana, or “alternate nostril breathing,” is a simple yet powerful technique that settles the mind, body, and emotions. You can use it to quiet your mind before beginning a meditation practice, and it is particularly helpful to ease racing thoughts if you are experiencing anxiety, stress, or having trouble falling asleep.
This series begins by purifying the blood and expanding the lung capacity. Then the circulatory systemis stimulated. The thyroid and parathyroid secretions are added to the increased circulation and theupper magnetic field of the body is enlarged. This is an excellent preparation for beginners who needto learn deep meditation.
This meditation is designed to takeyou on a journey from the personal to the Infinite and back again. It is good for
mental clarity,
uplifted mood,
emotional clearing
calm depth
It will heal, expand and help deal with the fast fickle mind that comes with the air tattva.
Anything that helps open the heart, lungs and front of your body can aid the connection to your breath and the air element.
If all you understand is dollars, this is a million-dollar therapy. If the earth element in you is strong,and is not balanced out by the ether, you'll be stuck here. You don't belong to this earth anyway.You've got to go and you've got to know where to go and what to do. My idea about going is goingwith grace. It requires a little bit of work, a little bit of sacrifice, and a little bit of understanding that Iam, I am, my mind is my mind.
As explained in Yogic philosophy, all living matter is comprised of five elements: earth, air, fire, waterand ether. These are known as the five tattvas. Practice of this short kriya will bring the tattvas into astate of balance and will synchronize the hemispheres of the brain. This is a very powerful set ofexercises to practice every day.
According to Tantric Numerology, 2021 is a 5 year, and associated with the throat chakra. This chakrais ruled by the Ether Tattva. The element of Ether originates in the Shabd, the unmanifested sound.The throat chakra, associated with our voice, brings the Ether into action. Mastery of the ethericelement in combination with the spoken word has the potential of bringing the heavens to the earth–to create a reality that matches the Divine Will.
To connect to the space element in your yoga practice, try adding in more inversions, especially those that require you to focus more. Any backbends that involve a gentle opening of the throat area can also help enhance the space element within us, cultivating more clarity and lightness.
The five elements are categories of quality that are based in the energetic flow of your life force. If all the elements are strong, in balance, and located in their proper areas of the body, then you can resist stress, trauma, and illness. You also do not get confused in conflicts between the two hemispheres of the brain as they compete for the right to make and direct decisions. This meditation resolves many inner conflicts, especially when the conflicts arise from the competition between different levels of your functioning, e.g. spiritual vs. mental vs. physical or survival needs.
"You feel guilty. For what? By doing wrong, you did wrong. By doing the right thing, you did the right thing. Whether you did it intentionally, unintentionally, knowingly or unknowingly, what's done is done. That's all. If the other does not have the awareness to forgive you, so be it. At the heart of this planet is love - which is forgiveness. Those who cannot forgive have no right to be happy ... There is only one curse and that is not the ability to forgive. " Yogi Bhajan.
This exercise brings energy to your immune system to fight infection. It is a very healing exercise.When you feel a tingling in your toes, thighs, and lower back it is an indication that you are doing theexercise correctly.
In times of pandemic, the best thing we can do to protect ourselves is keep a strong immune system.Yogis are known for taking responsibility for their own health and well-being as much as possible. There are lots of yogic tips and tools to choose from when it comes to immune support and protecting ourselves from dis-ease. This kriya is one of the best practice to strengthen your immune system.
This advanced immune therapy hits at viruses and bacteria. This is a kind of tantric kriya. This meditation stimulates the sympathetic nervoussystem and the right hemisphere to adjust themselves. In this process you may go through variousemotions as the glands start to shift their balance. That is fine. Relax and keep going until you arethrough the emotional inertia. Then you will feel light, energized, and hopeful. With gradual practiceyou can take the time up to 31 minutes. At that level your whole system is cleaned and rejuvenated. The immune system will have new vigor and will not be blocked by inner conflict. This type of breathingis called the "sunbreath".
Performing some easy yoga asanas pre and post-infection can help to improve the immune system. Here are some easy exercises that you must do daily.
Self-care breath increases inner energy and strength boosts the immune system, and cleanses thebody.
This kriya is one of the best practice to strengthen your lymphatic system.
It may take a couple of months to bring this meditation under your control. But, if you do thismeditation for 90 days, it will activate your brain so that you will know exactly what is what. It willmake you super sensitive. It will make it intuitively possible for you to live creatively to your ownpotential and to tap the opportunities around you.
The fact is that nature conceived that lymph moves from the legs to the neck, and this is not quite theposition that is usually typical for us. Therefore, you need to help the lymph move in the direction itneeds.By performing the asanas, which will be discussed further, we improve the correct flow of lymphthrough the body, helping the whole body to better fight against “external attacks”.
This is a wonderful set of exercises that is useful for inflammation of the urethra and hemorrhoids.
This exercise is called kunchun-mudra. It is very powerful, cleansing and relaxes the whole body. If theposture is done very precise the exercise will work out as powerful as doing other exercises for 48hours.
Management of UTI symptoms through Yoga is committed to restoring the depleted energy in thebody's reproductive and urinary systems. When the underlying condition of developing UTI getsremoved, infections are no longer able to get a foothold in the urinary passages.Here are some of the Yoga Asanas for UTI that can help you attain relief from the underlyingsymptoms. All these mudra for urine infection can be done daily to achieve effective results.
Thisexercise is the great seal of yoga: Maha mudra. Its effects fill pages. Find out some of them in description. This exercise can be practiced by itself or in combination with other practice.
This is a wonderful set of exercises that is useful for increasing your flexibility and strengthening the knees.
The first and, perhaps, most important step in any process of transformation is COURAGE. By encompassing courage, we are making a conscious decision not to allow anything like fear, trepidation, or doubt to be or become an obstacle on our path. Perpetual courage is the only thing that wins in the world, and this comes from: nerve strength, personal strength and mental strength.It is the vibration of courage and projection which attracts reality. You can live a bitter life or a better life, it is your choice. Life is a lie if truth is not found. Truth is just an idea if it is not lived, and this is absolute courage, strength and grit. Kundalini Yoga can be a source of life, happiness, prosperity, nobility and courage. It’s effective, practical and it changes us. It widens our scope and makes us bigger.
This meditation will give you some subtle powers. It will change you inside and out. It can be doneeither in the morning or the evening, but if you do it in the evening, the next morning you will findthat your whole caliber and energy is changed.
Why get rid of anger? You can never do it. If you ever dare to do it, you will have no digestive system. You know what that means? That means all that energy that has to burn that food has no way to get out.
In eleven minutes time, if you get into the correct posture, breathing, and angle of the hand, it willre-build within you a very powerful immune system. If you do it every day, after forty days you will bea different person.
The good news is there are many healthy ways to deal with anger, and one of the most effective ways to release anger is yoga. In fact, according to a study published in Frontiers In Psychology, practicing yoga can help control anger and improve the impulses that surround anger.
This meditation helps balance the formation of white and red blood cells. This balance isclosely related to the function of the immune system. Do this meditation once a day for 40 days inorder to achieve perfection in it.
To avoid persistent colds and illness, it is essential to keep digestion and elimination functioning well. Add to this a strong metabolic balance and you will have heartiness. This kriyadevelops these capacities. It gives physical strength and builds disease resistance.
Yogi Bhajan gave this Healing Ancestral Karma meditation as a powerful healing meditation andsoothing tool to help us release the karma of our ancestors.It is a meditation of deep healing; as such we encourage you to experience the depth fully bycommitting to it as a 40 day sadhana practice, so you can enjoy the journey, day by day, layer by layer.As a meditation to bless the ancestors and heal your lineage you may want to visualise your ancestorslined up behind you; your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and so on.Then imagine, lined up before you, your children, your children’s children & so on. Let yourself becomethe bridge of transformation and healing. Yogi Bhajan said that we are affected by & in turn we affect7 generations back and 7 generations forward! Just imagine the profound difference we can make toall the future generations by healing our Ancestral Karma.
Yogi Bhajan gave this Healing Ancestral Karma meditation as a powerful healing meditation andsoothing tool to help us release the karma of our ancestors.It is a meditation of deep healing; as such we encourage you to experience the depth fully bycommitting to it as a 40 day sadhana practice, so you can enjoy the journey, day by day, layer by layer.As a meditation to bless the ancestors and heal your lineage you may want to visualise your ancestorslined up behind you; your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents and so on.Then imagine, lined up before you, your children, your children’s children & so on. Let yourself becomethe bridge of transformation and healing. Yogi Bhajan said that we are affected by & in turn we affect7 generations back and 7 generations forward! Just imagine the profound difference we can make toall the future generations by healing our Ancestral Karma.
This exercise to improve the functioning of the excretory system is good for the kidneys and bladder. This is an intermediate and very effective kriya. Make sure you follow the directions carefully.
The first, second and third chakras associated with the rectum, sex organs and navel point arethoroughly exercised in this kriya. It gives flexibility of the spine and improves the power of digestionand elimination of waste and toxins.
This exercise has tremendous benefits for women during menopause and prepares them for this stageof life. Exercise helps keep your ovaries, kidneys, and liver healthy.
The practice of certain Yoga postures provides a deep massage of the internal organs such as the ascending and descending colon, which are part of the excretory system. Every one of us has experienced constipation and the painful discomfort — reasons might vary from your diet, daily habits, travel, or lack of physical activity. Basically, it means that you have dry and hard stools that are difficult to eliminate. This leads to having less bowel movement per day. Sometimes people can go weeks without bowel movements, which leads to chronic constipation and long-term damage to the excretory system. For a natural solution consider the Top 6 Yoga Poses for Constipation Relief.
This pranayam gives power, strength, and vitality. It can have a cooling, cleansing effect. Initially, the tongue tastes bitter, and will eventually become sweet.
The liver, spleen, pancreas are actively involved in blood circulation. With insufficient attention to these organs, toxins accumulate in them, which interferes with the complete cleansing of the blood.
Most of us do not get enough physical activity due to a sedentary lifestyle, despite the fact that the functioning of the internal organs of the body is directly related to the movement of the arms and legs. It is believed that for the normal functioning of all organs, we need to walk up to 5 kilometers a day. However, today the distances are either too great to walk, or we do not have enough time for this, or the ecology of the environment is simply not conducive to walking. The exercises below compensate for the lack of movement while cleansing and restoring liver function.
This kriya is also good for menopausal women to stabilize the body and minimize unpleasant
A most powerful combination against stress is to do the Relaxing Buddha meditation and then do 31 minutes of breathing only one breath per minute (inhale 20 seconds, hold 20 seconds, and exhale 20 seconds). It will bring you to a state of calmness that will win the game of life. Normally there is so much tension in life that we are all numb. We miss opportunities through a lack of sensitivity. - Yogi Bhajan.
The liver helps your body get rid of waste and toxins. Hence, it is extremely important to keep it healthy with these yoga asanas specifically aimed at improving liver health.
This breath meditation is especially useful for dealing with stressful relationships and with unsettling issues from the past.
Do we have the strength left to reach the goal, despite the blizzard? Our energy can flow freely, we can eat well, sleep enough, but if our adrenal glands are not working, it will be difficult to hold on. We get tired and irritable. It is important to have a balanced endocrine system, and especially strong adrenals and kidneys, in order to gain that extra stamina and the ability to control anger and hypoglycemia. Weakness of the adrenal glands and kidneys leads to dysfunctions of the heart.
Alleviates any problem in the lower spine. It is a direct healer for the kidneys and adrenal glands. Consequently it helps repair the energy drained by long term stress. This kriya also helps the heart. Although there is no breath specified, the breath will automanticly become longer and deeper as you continue. It is important to hold the arms perfect still to receive the full benefit.
We all are subjected to a multitude of external and internal toxic sources such as pollution and pesticides from fruits and vegetables which leads to the accumulation of a lot of toxins in the body. Kidneys play an important role in eliminating these toxins from our body. Any disturbance in the formation, collection, storage or excretion of urine from the body can cause the kidneys to become sluggish, and in some extreme cases stop functioning entirely. Through the correct practice of specific yogic techniques you can boost the health of your kidneys and also stimulate the functioning of other digestive organs.
Use this Kundalini yoga sequence to maintain ideal digestion and overall health by increasing energy at the navel point and keeping the digestive organs strong and flexible.
The quality of our digestion is the key to health according to Ayurveda, as well as in yogic theory. If digestion is slow and unbalanced, the body becomes more vulnerable to disease (not to mention discomfort due to gas, bloating, constipation, and the like). Most colds and other illnesses can also be caused by an energy imbalance starting in the intestinal tract.
Kundalini Yoga supports perfect digestion by increasing the fire energy at the navel point and evenly distributing it throughout the body.
These exercises work on the bowel system. Normally when one is becoming sick, the bowel movements serve as an indicator. It is suggested to do these exercises for 30 minutes a day for good health.
This meditation will work on your inner faculty and your ego. You have five things in your body which show your ego: two legs, two hands and one tongue. No investigator can penetrate into you if you can control these five organs. No one can know who you are.
Your metabolism will qo through a tremendous change in this meditation. This painful posture is like a bitter melon. The tremendous discomfort it creates is all in the head. It brings the combination of the five centers of the left and right brain into the neutral self.
Do you often feel bloated or uneasy? This might be due to indigestion. Your digestive system is working
throughout the day to break down the food you eat and provide energy. Here are some yoga asanas
for a stronger gut and improved digestion.
This kriya is good for the ovaries, regular menstrual cycle and relieves gas (in women).
This is one of the best kriyas for pelvic balance, that can help to solve a lot of women's problems with a moon cycle.
These exercises strengthens the lower back, facilitates the flow of energy through the spine and aids in metabolism; help to channel sexual energy and maintain potency.
This meditation will balance the moon centers and will help you to go through natural transitions withstrength that creates stability. Kirtan Kriya (on the abdomen) is the most recommended meditationfor women. It helps them to break their bad habits and create balance during emotional withdraws.This meditation has the power to repair a woman’s arc line holes due to past relationships with men.This is done by eliminating the mental and physical association with these men. This variation willbalance the effects of the moon centers in a woman. It also illuminates a woman’s aura and presence.
About these exercises Yogi Bhadjan says: "You wil be potent to 70-80 years."
“Hatha yoga” is said to be the best amongst the rest for fertility as it involves movements slower and flowing movements. Moreover, the deep and easy breathing process involved in this yoga brings more calmness to your mind and further allows it to become more focused and concentrated. The various holding poses called Asanas also help in improving blood circulation to a great extent.
This is a great exercise to do “when you want to change the page” on the way your day is going and start things over.
Gan Puttee Kriya will redeem all the negativity of the past and present. It will take away all negative karma of your past, smooth out your day to day problems and create a positive tomorrow.
This meditation is one of a class meditations that will become well-known to the future medical society. Meditation will be used to alleviate all kinds of mental and physical afflictions, but it may be as many as 500 years before the new medical science will understand the effects of this kind of meditation well enough to delineate all its parameters in measurable factors.
Everyone has bad habits that they wish they could break, but when you're stuck in that vicious cycle yourself, it can seem impossible to get out of it. A few yoga poses for bad habits might just help you break yours once and for all, but really, it's the defining principles of yoga itself that can teach you how to find a lifestyle and a set of habits that work for you, and how to release the ones that aren't serving you.
This kriya will make you sweat if you do it properly. You may also notice a burning sensation in the cheeks. The time of practice can slowly be increased to 7-1/2 minutes on each side. The practice and perfection of this kriya is said to open the pituitary secretion, regulate excessive sexual energy, and increase general immunity to disease. It tests the nerve strength and rebalances the magnetic field of the body. If you don't want to be shaky when you are older, this is an excellent practice to start when you are young. Besides practicing this kriya by itself, it is enjoyable to do it after completing a long series of exercises that have worked on flexibility and circulation. The kriya helps transform the "vital juice," the ojas, into a form usable in maintaining your entire nervous system.
This kriya activates the 2nd (sex) and 3rd (navel) Chakras, reduces tension in ovaries and lower spine, moves energy out of the digestive system, and completely opens psychic channels, moving Kundalini energy up to the highest chakras.
This shabad will change poverty to prosperity.
The law of vacuum is that there is no vacuum. The more you spend, more comes. The less you spend, less comes. But the height of your personality is your divine manners. Manners are your life and to understand that life is nothing but a mutual existence. That will guarantee your peace. And your service and smile will bring you prosperity. There is nothing to suffer. Happiness is your birthright.
Our sexual energy is synonymous with prana. However, prana is more than just an impetus for the pursuit of pleasure. Our sexuality is what inspires us to create, smile, and communicate. In our physical body, blood flows through veins, capillaries, and arteries. In our energetic body, prana flows through energy pathways called nadis. Prana rides on the breath like a surfer riding a beautiful wave.
In order for sexual arousal to occur, your body needs fresh oxygen and increased circulation. Through the practice of yoga, improved circulation (which brings in fresh oxygen) heals and strengthens organ tissues. In addition, when we bring our attention to our Root or Muladhara Chakra – the dynamic pelvic floor – it activates the connection to our sexual wellbeing.
Theses yoga poses will help send energy and oxygen-rich blood to the organs in your pelvic region.
People who cannot control their eating have no control over their metabolism. It is a problem in the Eastern Hemisphere of the brain, which results in lack of endurance, effectiveness, and self-respect.
If digestion is slow and imbalanced, disease rejoices. Most colds and influenza come from an energy imbalance that begins in the digestive track. To stimulate good digestion and improve concentration, the navel point must be stimulated and the energy distributed through the two main nadis that pass on either side of the navel point.
This pranayam meditation charges the Navel Center. It balances the lung meridians and increases the flow of healing energy through the hands.
As the navel energy is distributed through the nadis, the entire body gets cleansed and regenerated. If you slowly build the time of practice up to one hour a day, the nerves will be strong and the mind will focus more easily.
Meditating on the breath will give you a sense of the beauty of life and the beauty of self. If you have a strong mental foundation, it must start in the recognition that you are a beautiful soul. Self-respect leads to respect for others. It gives you the power to accomplish tasks, be straight forward, and be truthful.
Vatskar Dhouti kriya solves all digestive problems, including chronic excess acidity. Many other diseases, such as the common cold, flu, start with an upset digestive and excretory system. Kriya enhances overall health.
Kriya works on cleansing stomach meridians, bringing equilibrium to your digestive system.
This posture is one of the best ways to adjust your navel point. Through this exercise, you can change the gray matter in your brain, entire nervous system, and spinal column. If you want to experience reincarnation into nirvana, do this meditation for 11 minutes. It will make you sattvic with all.
This kriya is used for gallbladder, heart and spleen problems.
Kriya works on liver, colon and stomach, bringing equilibrium to your digestive system.
This meditation stimulates the mind, the moon center and Jupiter. When Jupiter and the moon come together, there is no way in the world you will not create wealth.
This meditation will build up your circumvent force and electromagnetic field. It allows you to draw in free energy (electrons, protons, neutrons) from the universe so that you can maintain your body without having to eat.
Self-reliance will vanish all fear. Fear comes when you are dependent on anything other than your own inner wisdom and higher self. If your self-reliance is strong, you are protected. This series provokes self-reliance and energizes several physical areas of the body.
“Life is nothing but Alertness. You can only be Alert if you are wise & disciplined.” –Yogi Bhajan. This meditation is a sign of prosperity. It is a money manifestation scheme.
The main emphasis in this kriya is to forcefully and rhythmically strike the seventh rib. The entire creativity of humanity is based on the 7th rib. Dance the upper body from the navel point upward, using a powerful movement in coordination with the breath. Create a rhythmic sound by the force of your movement. Make your ribcage into a drum and beat it. Matamandir Singh’s rendition of this mantra, called the Ashtang Yog Shastra Mantra, gives a rhythmic base to the movement. The movement can be practiced moderately and rhythmically and, over time, worked up to Breath of Fire speed.
This is a good kriya to do on Saturday, the day of Saturn the Task Master, or when you want to work very hard.
The hardest part of the series is the beginning… If you attempt the full time prescribed, at first, you may have sore stomach muscles and weak legs. Do what you can, and do it gracefully, breathing consciously throughout. The sexual and digestive energies require a little work to balance. The hard work brings deep relaxation, and the feeling that you have the latent power to cleanse and revitalize yourself mentally and physically. Mental projection and meditation are automatic afterwards.
“When there comes a moment in your life when nothing works, if all shelter and hope is gone, when the enemies overcome and friends have left, do this meditation. The sound current has an Infinite power. It is the only power that is given to the human to excel. Vaak Siddhi is the perfection of the sound projection. Guru Nanak explained it, ‘Through the mouth you utter a sound current, to which God listens with love.’ What you say is not a sound current. The sound current is that which you create with the organic matter of your body where you use your pranas and that has a projective power.” - Yogi Bhajan
The Sensory Human vibrates the Cosmos, the harmonious systematic Universe. It is through sound that this cosmic vibration happens. The highest sounds are cosmic frequencies known as mantras or naad yoga. These sounds have a penetrating power.
Chii-a means six in Gurmukhi. This meditation is an experience of the six unchangeable sounds: Har, Hare, Haree, Wahe Guru. They affect the six directions: east, west, north, south, up, and down.
“The mantra Har, Hare, Haree, Wahe Guru has six sounds. Don’t take it only as a mantra—these six sounds are unchangeable sounds. What surrounds you is six: the four directions, up, and down. Meditate on these six in this way and they will cover you.” -Yogi Bhajan
This exercise is an excellent way to build stamina, to make the blood suck up the oxygen from the lungs, and to help the heart muscles regulate and reorganize themselves. It will pressurize the kidneys, gonads and adrenals. It is necessary to be able to hold a full inhale for 1 minute in order to supply optimum oxygen to the bloodstream. When less than the required oxygen is available in the blood, the brain, organs and glands are unable to function properly and the systems break down causing ill ness. When this exercise is done for 11 minutes a day or a maximum of 22 minutes, it will totall purify the bloodstream.
This exercise set works with blood circulation and nervous system, stimulates the flow of blood through capillaries, strengthens the navel point and joints.
This is a Jupiter meditation which can cleanse the bloodstream and relieve fatigue and tension if you breathe deeply and powerfully. It is this conscious breath that can bring you great relief.
Emotional stress can cause a cascade of physical mis-ailments, like over production of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol-which narrow the body’s arteries and increases blood pressure. One of yoga's clearest benefits to the heart is its ability to relax the body and mind. The following Asanas will tap into & balance your cardiovascular system (our heart, blood, veins, arteries) and take you into the into the Spiritual Heart welcoming you into your own hub of perception and sacred awareness.
All the exercises in this complex work with the heart muscle and the heart center. They are aimed at the strength of energy reserves. Yogi Bhajan said that you can increase the time of each exercise up to 7 minutes to complete this complex. This exercise time will bring you into a calm state of mind. You'll want to sleep, so allow yourself some extra rest when you do this full-time routine.
Many feelings will pass through you as your Heart Center strengthens and old wounds begin to melt into the sound current. Once hardened parts of your heart and old defenses will begin to drop away. Trust yourself. Immerse yourself in the presence of the open heart. We are most aligned with our real Self when we have the strength to stay open and connected to all people, everything and everyone in the Universe. It is in this connectedness that we realize our uniqueness. Be real and be present as you chant and dwell in the sound current.
Kriya directs energy to the lungs and heart; uses energy to expand the volume of the lungs; balances and distributes prana throughout the body.
The breath and its flow in the body determines your emotional base. You feel full of energy and in control when the lungs and circulation are in excellent shape. This set rebuilds the lungs and improves circulation throughout the body. It is a rhythmical and short kriya for intermediate students or for enthusiastic beginners who are in good condition. You can practice this kriya 22 minutes a day and rebuild your system. It will prepare your lungs for an excellent practice of Kundalini Yoga pranayama.
This meditation is very soothing once you understand it. The autonomic nervous system will relax, breathing will automatically take on a meditative pace, which will renew and relax the heart and mind. To heal heart wounds, it is necessary to calm the nerves that are associated with them. We know that a break in relationship (with others or with the self) is almost identical to the nervous system and brain with a physical injury or loss of a limb. This mudra creates balance, creates a subtle pressure that regulates the heart meridian along the little finger and outer forearm, activating the “motor nerve” connection to the autonomic nervous system for self-resetting, keeping the forearms parallel to the ground, engaging axillary reflexes; and finally, she uses the pranic influence of the middle finger and the qualities of Saturn and air to remove the effects of the emotional storm. Practice for 11, 31 or 62 minutes.
Love confronts. Love has no fear. Love is the ultimate power. It knows no defeat. It doesn’t know impossible. It’s a strength, it’s not a weakness. There’s a tremendous amount of pain in love. That’s realism. But do the lovers feel it? No. There’s a joy. In history, you will find people in love of God tortured in many ways. They smiled. They laughed. Where came their strength? It was their love. I like to let you know how much you love. Let’s measure it by a straight balance of frequency. You will know it.
The practice of this meditation, even briefly, locates you in your heart, opens your perception, and lets you immediately recognize the way forward. Mandhavani means being in the presence of intelligence, beauty, and profound caring. It is a state of joy. It’s when you’re so happy that you feel the hand and grace of God accompany each breath and effort. In that state all victory is yours and there is no victory to win but to conquer your own heart. This is a very special and sophisticated meditation. Yogi Bhajan shared this meditation as a way to cultivate, know and act from your heart. We need the clarity of our heart to know how to walk the path of spirit and fulfill ourselves as human beings. As he explained it, each of us has a longing to touch the Infinite—to merge with and become the Infinite. This is a quality and a desire built deep within our nervous system and hosted by our spirit. Sometimes we do not recognize that our finite experience in the human body is in part to create a polarity so we can experience the Infinite. The finite and the Infinite are like two hands which are there to both serve our heart. We feel the desire to expand and touch that infinite nature. We may express this as a desire for power, status, money, or to simply look bigger and better in our musculature or our fashions. But when we settle for these finite goals, instead of embracing the full light of our infinity, we often get entangled. We become stuck and can neither see nor accept our own light. As Yogi Bhajan put it, we settle for a single peanut butter sandwich instead of the ongoing feast of plenty that will continue for all our lives. We get into this entangled state when we are upset by the intensity or misdirection of our emotions. We certainly embrace emotions as essential to a fulfilled life. And emotions are good as they connect us and help us know what’s important. The problem comes in the moment when they become uncontrolled, imbalanced, or simply inappropriate to the realities that we face. Then they fail to serve the real desire of our heart. In order to elevate ourselves as human beings and to stay on the path of our spirit, there are simple tools that can help us. They give us the clarity, courage and consciousness we need. This meditation is one of those tools. The full effect of this meditation comes from a combination of three parts—the mudra, mantra, and meditative focus.
This meditation balances the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility. Humanity is now going through a global transition into the Aquarian Age. We are preparing to have kingship over the service of the Universal force. This requires Universal Consciousness. There are two ways of developing Universal Consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra is the easier way, but the difficulty is that mantra opens the Heart Center and the mind has difficulty following the heart’s frequency. But it is through the understanding that comes from the heart that the mind can realize the concept that Infinity is within us.
This is an intermediate level set to create open loving feelings. It opens the heart, increases compassion and sensitivity to others, and helps you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly.
In this meditation, seal the sense of your Self al the Heart Center. Sit still and consolidate your Self. Welcome the unknown infinity of your being and synchronize with every action, thought and cell. Meditate and become aware of all sensations. Become aware that you are aware; aware that you are present and observing; aware that all that flows through you is not you; aware that you are created and creating in this moment; aware that each moment records your thoughts, acts and feelings as a ripple in infinity and for eternity. Before this vastness, become humble, joyous, contained, content and conscious. Rest in simplicity; practice alertness with a full heart, and bless all. Bless your Self; bless your friends and enemies; bless all that is known to you; bless all that is unknown. Be clear, crystal clear.
This is a simple three parts kriya for Thyroid and Parathyroid.
This is advanced set for Thyroid and Throat center. If you are beginner, you can practice all parts of the kriya for shorter time and use lighter versions of the positions that are not available for you yet.
This mantra works strongly on the thyroid and parathyroid glands and relaxes all the brain centers. It is a tonic for individual growth and energy and very powerful for the spine. Keep the spine perfectly straight throughout, without bending forward or back. There should be no pressure on the lower back.
This kriya opens a section in the brain and allows a lot of subconscious stuff to come out.
This kriya is a simple practice to activate thyroid and release tention from the neck.
“Ong” is the sound of Infinity as it is heard through the conch when we put in the breath of life. The sound of the conch is only an expanded “Ong”. When a disciplined yogi practices this at the center of the nose, his brain gets a powerful vibration, and the nectar starts running. You may start to cough, practicing this, a signal that the thyroid is having trouble taking the pressure of the chant. The thyroid gland keeps you young and beautiful. This sound gives a person 3 things: power, beauty and youth.
This is a simple kriya for healing jaw adjustment.
This is a short but very effective kriya to release tention from your neck!
This Meditation is To Make One Younger and Stop The Cycle Of Decay. It harmonizes you with the Earth’s magneticfield, you become 84 times stronger and experience peace and joy. This is “Meditation of Prana” and it eliminates all disease when done regularly.
This kriya is for ears. It helps to clean the channels of communication: the ability not only speak, but to listen to and to hear.